Role of Ai in drug discovery


How does Ai help in drug discoveries?

Ai has reduced the time from starting the process for experimenting with the drug to clinical trial and ultimately reduced the time when drug could be approved by FDA and get in to market so that patients needing it can use the drug for all the intended benefits. 

Ai helps us to know which proteins are causing the disease and then forming a 3D image of the proteins and then come with shape of drug molecules which can fit on these proteins and cause the proteins to start the reactions which can cause our body either to modulate neurotransmitters, secrete substances which can benefit us or release hormones which could be beneficial in curing/treating that disease. Before Ai all these processes were done manually by experimenting taking a long time, but Ai has reduced the time it takes for all these milestones to be achieved.

Ai also can predict the side effects of the drugs based on how targeted proteins are changed and how that will cause effects on our body. Knowing the side effect profile of a drug is much easier now than before so that we can control and know the risk that can cause for our body.

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