Its been stated in research article that Psychedelics can reduce inflammation in the brain as well as get rid of oxidative stress making them perfect candidate for movement disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric conditions
Psychedelics disrupts internal activity of the brain that encodes habits of thoughts and behaviors. If we have negative thoughts and we cannot get rid of that behavior , magic mushrooms can help us in getting rid of negative feelings
Serotonin is the neurotransmitter involved in early child brain development as well as neurogenesis. Serotonin has been involved in formations of axons and dendrites and adult axon development. Magic mushrooms goes to our serotonin receptors in the brain and help our brain release serotonin which help us with all the benefits we realize with magic mushrooms. SSRI are the primary drug used to treat depression and the main mechanism is with the drug helping us release serotonin but 40 percent of SSRI treated patients don't respond to them and 70 percent of patients never achieve full benefits from SSRI